1st Vice Presidents

Central PTO

First Vice Presidents – Committees and Room Parents

Job Description


The PTO Bylaws contain these provisions regarding the duties of the First Vice Presidents:



Section 5

In case a vacancy occurs in the office of president, one of the first vice presidents shall serve as president for the unexpired term.



Section 2

The first vice presidents shall:

  1. Solicit volunteers to serve as room parents;
  2. Coordinate the Room Parent Folders and plan the annual Room Parent gathering;*
  3. Assist the president in recruiting members and chairpersons for committees;
  4. Coordinate and distribute the folders to Committee Chairs;
  5. Introduce new members at meetings and make visitors feel welcome; and
  6. Assist the president and serve in his/her absence, as requested by the president or Executive Committee.


The First Vice Presidents are responsible for these major areas:

  • Committee Chairs/Helpers: Secure all committee chairs and helpers for the upcoming school year. Ideally, all committee chairs and committees are secured prior to the end of the preceding school year. Provide President(s) with list of Committee Chairs and their contact information for input into the school calendar. Prepare Committee Chair Folders and distribute to Committee Chairs. Work with PTO President to ensure that Committee Chairs update their job descriptions and return Committee Folders with all relevant information to First Vice Presidents and/or President(s) for new chairperson. Plan PTO Gathering which occurs at or near the beginning of school.
  • Room Parents: Prepare and distribute Room Parent Volunteer Letters in the spring and compile information, once returned by volunteers. At this point, organize Room Parents by Grades of their children as of the following fall. After class lists are posted, organize Lead, and Helper Room Parents for each classroom. Prepare Room Parent Folders and distribute to Room Parents at or near the beginning of the school year. In 2011, Room Parent Folders were distributed electronically. Plan the PTO Gathering which occurs near the beginning of the school year.
  • Communication: Create electronic distribution lists for the following: Executive Committee, Committee Chairs, Lead Room Parents, and all Room Parents. Prepare communications to Committee Chairs and Room Parents, and/or meet with Committee Chairs and Room Parents as needed, or as requested by PTO President(s). Meet and/or communicate with PTO President(s) and Principal as necessary to fulfill job duties. Ensure that all Committee Chairs are aware of, and adhere to, the PTO’s Electronic Communication Guidelines (in brief, all communications to the membership regarding PTO events/fundraisers are sent via electronic communication and not via paper in the backpacks, following review and approval by the appropriate parties).
  • PTO/Executive Board Meetings: Attend regular Executive Board/PTO meetings and designated District 96 Board meetings. Introduce all new school/PTO members/families and make everyone feel welcome at PTO meetings. Provide information and updates pertaining to Room Parents and Committee Chairs at PTO and Executive Board Meetings. If the President is not available, be prepared to preside over meetings and/or perform those duties.
  • Teacher Gifts: Prepare and distribute letters to Lead Room Parents regarding Teacher and Classroom Aide/ Paraprofessional Gifts, as appropriate, for the Holidays and at the end of the school year.
  • Update Job Description/Transition of Duties: Review all documents pertaining to duties including, but not limited to the PTO Bylaws, Standing Rules and Job Description. Update the First Vice Presidents’ job description and pertinent documents (i.e., Committee Chair descriptions, Room Parent Job Descriptions, as needed, both on the website and, if applicable, in the paper file), as necessary. In the spring, meet with incoming 1st Vice Presidents, in conjunction with PTO President(s), and/or incoming PTO Board, to ensure smooth transition of duties. Provide incoming First Vice Presidents with all relevant information, including, but not limited to the following:
    • Updated First Vice Presidents’ job description;
    • Room Parents’ (Lead and Helper) job descriptions;
    • Committee Chair Applications with updates, documents/flyers contained in the Committee Chair Folders, and all other applicable documents;
    • Room Parent Applications, including all pertinent documents/flyers contained in the Room Parent Folders; and
    • Electronic Communication Guidelines

This job requires excellent organizational and communication skills, attention to detail, and computer capabilities.

* In 2011, the Parent Gathering (“PTO Gathering”) included Committee Chairs as well as Kindergarten Parents.

Updated October 2011

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